Husky Happenings 2014-10-30
Thanksgiving Care & Share Starts Next Week! Every year, the Highland community—families and faculty—work together to make Thanksgiving happen for some of our neighbors in need. Through the Thanksgiving Care & Share Food Drive, families donate nonperishable foods; teachers, ad-ministrators, … Continued
Husky Happenings 2014-10-23
Reminder: Zumbathon Tomorrow + Zumba Program Get fit and have fun with dynamic Zumba led by certified instructor—and Highland’s own—Cindy Russ: Zumbathon: TOMORROW—Friday, October 24—6:00–7:00PM. A one-hour, high-intensity Zumba experience for any students (girls AND boys) in grades 2–6 AND … Continued
PTO Meeting Minutes 2014-10-20
He it is possible to purchase reputable Fortamet from the Detroit drugstore on the web simply. You will not need to visit the doctor and get a prescription. Now I know the site with true information about drugs and the … Continued
PTO Meeting Minutes 2014-09-22
Welcome – Laura Kremp & Erica Bacich Introductions – all in attendance shared their names, kid’s names and any PTO position Mr. Etlen’s remarks school year is off to a smooth start Thank you to the PTO and last year’s … Continued