PTO Meeting Minutes 2014-10-20

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Welcome – Laura Kremp & Erica Bacich


Mr. Etlen’s remarks

  • Thank you to the PTO for the stipend for new lunch bins
  • AEF fundraiser is 11/14 at Philmont Country Club, Abington Steamroller band will perform, tickets are $75, there are a number of Highland parents going, talk to Mr. Etlen for sponsor opportunities
  • Playground safety issue – After dismissal, all children not with a parent/guardian must go home, leave their backpack and get parent permission to return to play on the playground

Treasurer report – Vicki Turner

  • Vicki distributed copies of the Sept 2014 financial report
  • the PTO has raised $200 for the buddy bench, which will cost $400-800 through facilities
  • PTO gives $100 to the high school for their post prom party

Chief Technology report – John Spiegelman

  • all blurbs for Husky Happenings need to be emailed for approval to Mr. Etlen, and cc John Spiegelman. If approved, all info must be sent to John by Tues afternoon to be included in Thurs newsletter
  • need sign on info for GoDaddy to update; need to plan a website meeting to discuss content; it was suggested to check out as another option

Special presentation on Husky STARS by teachers – Ms. Tuffy, Ms. Arnold & Ms. Crouthamel

  • Please refer to this link to see the actual presentation by the teachers:
  • STARS behavior is an umbrella system, a culture the community can rally behind
  • Lessons are planned around it at the beginning of the year, every student knows what STARS stands for and they have all adopted the 2 year old program
  • Many reward opportunities – Husky tickets get pooled together in each classroom, each month the class in each grade with the most wins a prize and gets recognized (they get the Husky in classroom and write in a journal that gets passed among classes); Principals 200 club – teachers randomly receive special gold tickets to give out to individuals that are demonstrating STARS behavior, ticket goes home for parent/guardian signature, name is put on board in cafeteria, once there are 10 names in a category, those students get a special mystery reward, a mystery motivator; Cafeteria reward – aide watches each class and gives them a “grade” for different categories, class with most points at end of month gets a special snack and paper to draw on at lunch (PTO contributes $25/month for this reward)
  • After Rita’s prize wheel, no other fundraisers scheduled yet
  • Signs and banners around school need to be replaced with STARS information
  • OLWEUS – anti-bullying program, teach difference between teasing vs. bullying, it’s a behavior not a character trait, teachers have class meetings where students can talk about problems at home and school and it’s also a time for team building and talking about personal goals
  • All of this info is in the blue Husky Handbook that parents received at Back to School night

Committee Chair reports – all committee chairs should be looking for their replacement during the year so that they can help with the transition for next year

Halloween parties – Lori McMann sent an email to room parents, no meeting this year; There is one main contact parent for the room, responsible for communicating with teachers;

Sixth Grade update – Nicole Manton & Susan Rogers

  • Briar Bush – all of 6th grade goes Fri, really fun team building activities
  • Skating parties – for whole school, but benefits 6th grade; 11/3 & a Sunday in April
  • Activity Fee – new this year, not mandatory, $50 per student, 49% have paid dues; Expenses for 6th grade activities is about $12,000 (includes picnic, class trip, t-shirts, yearbook, etc.)
  • Mr. Etlen brought up the idea of making the class trip more educational in the future, ie. going to the theater and lunch
  • Bake sale for Election Day – need an adult present, can sign up for 3 hour time slots
  • 6th grade parents start thinking of friends in lower grades with upcoming 6th graders who can shadow you this year as you plan activities

U-swirl – N.M. Friday 10/24 from 7-10, Must have voucher for PTO to get money

Zumba – N.M. Friday 10/24 Zumbathon for entire family, $10/family, money goes to Buddy bench

  • there will be: prizes, dance offs, an MC, celebrity dancers, all exercise levels
  • if you are there, you must participate, you can’t just watch
  • Need help with check-in
  • Zumba class – starts 11/10, 5 weeks, girls only grades 2-6 $25

Barnes & Noble night is 11/21

Race for Education – is in March, need to start planning soon

Science Fair – must signup by Friday 10/24 to participate

Highland Directory – has been sent to printer, will have either this week or next for distribution; 60% returned form in timely manner, after a handwritten reminder note, total participation was 75%; please do not check “use last year’s info” if you were not actually included last year, best to fill it out again

Next PTO Meeting – Monday November 17th at 7:00pm