Welcome – Laura Kremp & Erica Bacich
Introductions – all in attendance shared their names, kid’s names and any PTO position
Mr. Etlen’s remarks
- school year is off to a smooth start
- Thank you to the PTO and last year’s 6th grade class for their gift of a new monitor for the lobby that has a running slideshow
- All volunteers working directly with students for 10+ hours a week must be screened for TB per the district
Abington School District Parent Council – Ellen DeStefano
- she wasn’t in attendance, but Erica went to the last Parent Council meeting and the big takeaway was that parents/guardians must have email addresses in Skyward because the district will stop using the listserv to distribute info soon
Treasurer’s Report – Vicki Turner
- any questions can be directed to Vicki
- a HUGE thank you to Vicki for working incredibly hard and putting in many hours over the last year and a half to make the Highland PTO an official non-profit organization
- many more opportunities to get prizes from businesses bc of non-profit status
- monetary donations, ex. Race for Education, will be tax deductible
Chief Technology Officer Report – John Spiegelman
- Very excited to have Troy Finamore step up as PTO webmaster
- PTO site will become the go-to spot for latest happenings
- Let Laura Kremp know about anything you think should go on the site
Committee Chair Reports
Fundraising – N.M.
- New this year – once a month restaurant fundraiser where restaurant gives portion of profits for one night to PTO (Chipotle will give 50% of profits!, look into Whole Foods, many places will only do for non-profit)
- Zumba/exercise program – 5 week course, taught by a certified/insured teacher who currently runs programs at McKinley & Rydal, first one for girls in 3-6 grade in Nov & Dec $25, about $500 will go to PTO
- will need waiver for potential injury
- PTO will offer some no/low cost spots
- Tony Winters asked about donating fee
- will need PTO rep there from 3:45-5:00 (let us know if you can help out)
Hospitality – Maureen Walter
- Big event is teacher appreciation lunch, will need bakers & other help
Picture Day – Amy Ott
- Friday 10/10, already have lots of volunteers, just waiting for master schedule
- Let Amy or Luisa Gray know if you’d like to help
Adopt a Family – Erica Bacich
- gifts are given in December, usually toys, coats, diapers, rain boots
- Let Erica know if you’d like to be involved or help organize the event
Other Business
- Parents/guardians must update their information, especially email address in Skyward
- Author event – working to get an author to come and speak, age of students will depend on the author
- Please fill out and return your Highland Directory forms
- Giant Rewards – forms have gone home, any extended family members can sign up, get more cash for the PTO!
- “Pops for Tops” – trying something new this year – contest between the classes, winning class gets lollipops, PTO gets $.10 per box top, last year brought in around $500
- We will need help counting and sorting into bags of 50, so please let us know if you can help!
- Back to school picnic was a big success, All mums sold and brought in money for a new Buddy Bench (a place for kids on the playground to go if they need someone to play with), Vicki Turner is reaching out to the maintenance dept for help getting a bench once enough money has been raised
- Kid Stuff coupon books – sale be the same as last year, happening soon
- Highland Apparel – forms will go out in a couple weeks, not an ongoing sale, must order at this time
- You must order what you want bc there are no shirts in stock (other than Adult S)
- Laura Enama has offered to take over next year from Lisa Barbiero
- Maybe consider a quarterly sale next year so there is more opportunity to buy
- Special Person’s Day for Kindergarten is Oct 10th 7:45-8:30 – There was a huge turnout last year, so just kindergarten this year, maybe have food tables in center of room with a separate table for coffee
- Family Fun Night – first one is Oct 17th – Karoake, 6th grade will hold bake sale
- Race for Education – didn’t happen last year, but it’s back this year, moved to March 20th, rain date 3/27, donations will be tax deductible
- Assemblies – Stephanie needs a partner to learn the ropes and take over next year
- Rock through History – Oct 21st
- Science program
- Brain show – Mr. Etlen’s recommendation
Additional Comments
- Contact Laura Kremp or Erica Bacich with any suggestions or concerns
Next PTO meeting is Monday 10/20 7:00pm in the Library
- Bring your friends!
- Everyone is encouraged to get involved and participate!