Attendees: Jim Etlen, Brittany Sullivan, Jen Schultz, Christina McCauley, Greg Curran, Georelle Farward, Lisa Kolar, Van Hellerslia, Erica Bacich
Welcome: Brittany Sullivan welcomed attendees to the meeting.
Principal’s Remarks: Dr. Etlen wanted to thank the Highland community for their contributions to the Interfaith Housing Alliance for MLK Day. He represented Highland in Pittsburgh at the Title 1 Conference where we achieved a Distinguished School Award. Congratulations to the students and staff on this achievement. The Flower Show was held on 1/24 and the students did a wonderful job. This event was featured on Action News and Dr. Etlen showed the clip at the school board meeting. The students did a wonderful job at this year’s Science Fair. He suggested that next year we look into ways to have the fair set up so students can see it during the day. He also we suggest we look into moving it to a weeknight. Kindergarten registration took place on February 6th. Dr. Etlen is looking forward to welcoming our new “baby huskies”. A 6th grade parent meeting will be held on 2/19 at the junior high. Early dismissal for conferences will take place on 3/19-3/21. The 5th and 6th grades will participate in the Safe to Say program. The goal of this program is to create a safer school environment and offers an anonymous tip line where students would be put in touch with a call center which would pass information along to local police or a team at school.
Treasurer’s Report: We recently paid deposits on assemblies, for the 1-K field trips, for Science Fair medals and the pizza for the Stars party. We received $405 for Box Tops and $239 from the Panera fundraiser. So far we have deposited $2980 from January Read-a-Thon donations but it looks like we are closer to $5600. 17% of donations cane through PayPal this year. A parent suggested looking into Venmo for donations.
Review of Recent Events:
“Soup”er Bowl: Highland students donated over 100 lbs of canned goods to the Interfaith Food Cupboard!
Read-a-Thon/Book Fair: Students brought in 443 paw prints! Ms. Neary’s class won the pizza party with the most books read. The Book Fair brought in $2300 which is divided among the teachers and the library.
Other Business:
Open positions: We have many open positions including President, Secretary, Spring Fling chair, Restaurant Chair, and a Picture Day co-chair. If you are interested in any of these positions please contact a member of the PTO board.
Snap Pizza Fundraiser: Monday, 2/18
Special Person’s Dance: Friday, 2/22. DJ Greg plans to have the kids up and moving and will be offering some homework passes as prizes!
Science Week: Science Day- 3/27- We still need about 6 more volunteers for classroom presentations. Please contact Van Hellerslia for more information.
Assemblies- We also need more volunteers for the STEAM assembly on 3/28. Please contact Taryn Kindred if wish to help with the assembly.
April restaurant fundraiser: We are looking for more restaurant fundraiser ideas. We will possibly try Iron Hill in Huntingdon Valley in April.
Kindergarten FAQ: Georelle Farward is putting together a Kindergarten FAQ packet for incoming parents. If you have suggestions of information to be included please contact Georelle.
Hershey Park Tickets: Fliers will be coming home soon for discounted Hershey Park tickets. The tickets will be $39 (44% discount). Ticket sales must be in by 3/29 to get the lowest discount.
Multicultural Potluck: This event will take place on 5/16 from 4:30-6:30. This year will feature Cambodian Dancers! This year is just the potluck, not the fair. Sign ups will go out in April. Thank you to Ms. Park and Mr. P for your help.
Please join us for our next meeting on 3/18 at 6:30pm in the library.