Attendees: Jaclyn Cromedy, Erica Bacich, Lisa Kolar, Christina McCauley, Jen Schultz, Christina Field, Katie Ting, Jim Etlen, Jane Hyer
Welcome: Jaclyn and Brittany welcomed attendees to the meeting.
Principal’s Remarks: The 6th grade carwash was held on Saturday 5/11 and seemed to have a good turnout. Field Day will be held on its rain date on Friday, 5/17. He thanked the PTO for the teacher luncheon which was held during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Treasurer’s Report: The PTO recently paid for the assembly being held on 5/14, the entertainment for the multicultural event, 5th grade field trips, parent council dues, Zumba, the author visit and reading olympics. We will receive our rewards from Giant in June which is usually around $2000. We made approximately $320 from apparel sales and the spring fling brought in $4,220.
Review of Recent Events:
Spring Fling– Attendance seemed to be lower than in previous years and it brought in less money than was expected. The weather and time of year (competing with sporting events and parties on the same weekend) seemed to be a factor. Otherwise it ran smoothly despite the wind! Thank you to all of the volunteers who make this such a wonderful event for our families!
Chuck E. Cheese– We made $162! Thank you to the families that attended!
Teacher Luncheon– Thank you Allison for organizing the wonderful spread for our teachers!!! They loved it!
Other Business:
Multicultural Potluck- will be held on Thursday 5/16 at 4:30. Katie Ting has volunteered to help work with the teacher’s putting this event together next year.
School Play- a group of parents has come together to organize and produce a school musical next year. They are currently looking into play options and the cost to buy rights to the show. A committee was created and Beth Bilus and Erica Bacich will chair.
Back to School Picnic- We are currently looking into having food trucks at next year’s event, specifically trucks that were used at the AEF event since they are already businesses approved by the district.
End of year parties- date TBD
Art and Ice Cream- Will be held on Wednesday 5/22.
Husky Happenings- We discussed having an earlier set deadline for blurbs next year and possibly sending them as a PDF via email.
**Thank you to all of the parents and teachers who have volunteered their time to make this another wonderful year for our kids! You are the best! We hope everyone has safe and fun summer!