Highland Elementary PTO Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2019
Welcome: Jen Schultz and Christina McCauley welcomed attendees to the meeting.
Principal’s Remarks: Dr. Etlen started by wishing the attendees a happy new year. MLK Day of Service will take place on 1/17 at 4:00pm in the cafeteria. We will be collecting donations and making care packages for the Interfaith Housing Alliance. There is no school on 1/21. A community presentation for MLK Day will be held at the high school on 1/21.
Treasurer’s Report: We received a thank you from Briar Bush for our participation in their ACORN program. The social committee made a $40 donation to the McClure fund (a scholarship awarded to a Highland Alumni going into education). We are looking forward to the upcoming book fair and Read-a-Thon, one of our biggest fundraisers.
Review of Recent Events:
Class Parties: It was brought up that there should be a better way to communicate the responsibilities of the class parent. Some ideas were a classroom parent email that would document the responsibilities of the class parents, clarify the role of lead parent and include age appropriate ideas for activities. It was also mentioned that there should be an orientation meeting for class parents in the beginning of the school year.
Adopt-a-Family: Erica thanked everyone who participated this year. The number of families was down from last year and there were a few last minute additions. She mentioned she was looking for a new co-chair for next year and Alicia Wolfe volunteered to help with the event. The large donation we received was very helpful and Erica was able to buy some extra gifts and toothbrushes and toothpaste for the families.
Share and Care: Numbers were also down a bit from last year. We are very grateful to donor Mark Abrams who donated all of the turkeys we needed for our families. Any turkey coupons that were sent in were then donated to the Interfaith Food Cupboard. Thank you to everyone who made this drive a huge success.
Secret Shop: The secret shop lost $62 this year. This event is a lot of work and without more volunteers it will be gone next year. There was also some discussion of changing it to an after school craft so parents can still go to conferences and have a place to drop off their children.
Other Business:
A Panera fundraiser will be held on 1/15.
A Snap Pizza fundraiser will be held in February. We will receive 50% of proceeds but you must show a flyer at this fundraiser.
The Junior Flower Show will be held 1/23.
Read-a-Thon starts on 1/7. Students should print their paw prints at home and bring them to school to be hung up around the library. There will be prizes awarded for the child that reads the most books and the class that raises the most money.
The Book Fair will be held on 1/18 during Family Fun Night. Students will also have a chance to browse and shop during library.
Science Week will be held the week of 3/25. Lots of volunteers are needed for classroom presentations on Wednesday, 3/27. If you would like to present please contact Van Hellersia. We will also need lots of volunteers for the assemblies on 3/26 and 3/28. Please contact Taryn Kindred for more information.
Family Fun Night will be held on 1/18. We will be showing Incredibles 2 and the Book Fair will be open for business. We are also looking for someone to take over as Family Fun Night chair. If you are interested please contact a board member.
iRun4Life running program will be back this spring and will be run by Suzanne Wilson and Molly Dolan. Once they are able to check for gym availability they will know what day the program will be held on. This program includes a snack and a tshirt for each child and will be online sign up.
Soup-er Bowl will be held on 2/1. Students are asked to bring in cans of soup which will be donated to the Interfaith Food Cupboard.
**Please join us for our next meeting on February 11 at 6:30pm in the library.