Highland Elementary PTO Minutes
May 17, 2018 @ 9:00am
Jaclyn welcomed the attendees to the meeting.
Principals Remarks:
Dr. Elten thanked the PTO for the awesome teacher luncheon. He said the bar was set high and he’s already looking forward to next year. He thanked the parents for all of their help with Field Day and Spring Fling. The weather was great and both events were successful. He mentioned the students will be having lock down drills during lunch.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Spring Fling raised $4,689.65- which is down from last year.
Review of Recent Events:
Spring Fling– Great weather and the kids had a lot of fun. It was mentioned that we should look into a vendor other than Mr. Softee for next year’s Fling.
Field Day– Again, great weather and the kids had fun! Congratulations, Maroon team on your win!
Science Day– Turned out great for having to be rescheduled! Thank you to all of the volunteer presenters.
Teacher Appreciation Week– The teachers loved the lunch and the snacks. Georelle mentioned trying to supply snacks for the teacher’s lounge on a more regular basis and also wanted to contribute a Keurig or toaster oven to the lounge. Parent Gabrielle Lucas was able to secure a Keurig during the meeting! Thanks Gabrielle!!!
Parent Volunteer Breakfast– The breakfast was amazing, and the parent volunteers were blown away by the amount of time, thought and detail put into it! Thank you so much Ms. Lee Kim and all of the teachers for a beautiful morning!
Snap Pizza Fundraiser– The fundraiser only raised $122. It was decided that next year we need better advertisements for these types of fundraisers and to send out reminders via Skyward.
Other Business:
Brittany Sullivan was unanimously voted in as our new co-president for the 2018-2019 school year! Congratulations, Brittany!
Help Wanted: Zumba Chair- Thank you Mikki for coordinating this program for the past few years. Dr. Etlen mentioned he would like to see 2-3 parent volunteers for this activity if it continues. If anyone is in interested in being a volunteer please contact a member of the PTO board.
Art and Ice Cream Social– 5/23 6:30-8:00pm
Read-a-Thon– Starts today!
iRun4Life– This activity had great parent involvement and the kids had a lot of fun! Thanks you Suzanne for bringing this program to Highland!
End of Year dates– classroom parties will be held on 6/8, last day of school is 6/14.