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New Day And Date: MLK Evening Of Service
Please see the flyer in this week’s packet for information about Highland’s Evening of Service—in commemoration of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service—on Friday, February 6 at 6:00PM (please note the NEW DAY AND DATE), and the collection leading up to it. This year, Highland families will be donating to and making care packages for the Abington Memorial Hospital Pediatric Unit and Saint Mary’s Villa for Children and Families.
Reminder: Phs Junior Flower Show Next Week
The Junior Flower Show is in ONE WEEK! Entries must be on Highland lobby tables on Wednesday, January 21. Judges from the Philadelphia Horticultural Society will be here Friday, January 23 at 11:00AM. Highland’s Best of Show will be on display at the Philadelphia Flower Show and will be awarded two tickets to the Philadelphia Flower Show. In addition, ribbons will be awarded to all. To get your entry tag, please register with Ms. Lee-Kim or Ms. Forrest.
The Race For Education Is Back!
From PTO Co-President Laura Kremp: “It’s back—the Race for Education, Highland’s biggest fundraiser in history! The Race is a walk-a-thon in which students walk around Highland for one hour. The success of the Race is based on students asking family members, relatives, close friends, and neighbors to be their walk-a-thon sponsors. This year’s Race for Education is scheduled for Friday, March 20 (rain date: Friday, March 27), so please mark your calendars. It’s going to be a Race like no other, and the incentives and prizes are going to knock your socks off! Kickoff information will be sent home soon. Volunteers are definitely needed—please contact Laura Kremp (215-285-8091,
Every Journey To Happiness Has A First Step…
Are you ready for every Thursday to be the best day of your life? Can you handle that much pure joy? Then maybe YOU are the right person to take over as Husky Happenings Editor next year. Please contact John Spiegelman at… TODAY!
Husky S.T.A.R.S.
The Husky S.T.A.R.S. winners for December are K/Neary, 1/Cehelsky, 2/Rush, 3/Macnamara, 4/Tuffy, 5/Kaufmann, and 6/Heuer. Congratulations to the December winners!
Science Fair: Thank You!
Thanks to all the participants and attendees (kids, parents, grandparents, teachers, and others) who made last week’s Science Fair a great success. This year we had 52 kids who presented and over 125 others who attended the fair. The kids did a great job teaching us about a wonderful variety of topics. Hope to see you next year!
Here’s What’s Happening
- Friday, January 16: Red, White, and Blue Day
- Monday, January 19: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: All ASD schools CLOSED
- Wednesday, January 21: Junior Flower Show entries due on the lobby tables
- Friday, January 23: Junior Flower Show judging: 11:00AM
- Friday, January 23: Paws PINGO Family Fun Night: 6:00–8:00PM—see the enclosed flyer/order form
- Tuesday, January 27: Highland Night at Elevation Burger (15% of your purchase benefits Highland): 4:00–9:00PM at Elevation Burger (3945 Welsh Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090)
- Tuesday, January 27: Board of School Directors meeting: 7:30PM in the Central Administration Building
- Wednesday, February 4: Kindergarten registration
- Friday, February 6: School Spirit Day
- Friday, February 6: MLK Evening of Service: 6:00PM
- Tuesday, February 10: Board of School Directors meeting: 7:30PM in the Central Administration Building