Reporting Dismissal Changes
From the Front Office: Requests to change your child’s dismissal procedure must be in writing to your child’s teacher. For emergency changes in your child’s dismissal procedure, call the Front Office. Please do not e-mail the teacher or secretary to report absence, late arrival or dismissal changes—e-mail is not a reliable method of communicating time-sensitive information.
Community E-Fliers
The Community E-Fliers section of Highland’s website at features fliers from nonprofit community groups and is updated on the 15th and 30th of each month. Please be sure to check it out regularly.
Thanksgiving Care & Share Needs Your Help!
Thanks so much to everyone who’s already donated to the Thanksgiving Care & Share Food Drive. This year, we’ll be helping more families than ever before, so if you haven’t already, please consider sending in a donation with your child(ren) or drop-ping it off at the big Care & Share table in the main lobby (by the Front Office). Here are the donations we need:
- grocery store turkey coupons (especially from Giant)
- stuffing; potatoes; gravy; cranberry sauce
- desserts; breakfast and lunch items
- soup; canned vegetables (sweet potatoes, corn, beans, etc.)
For details on the collection, please contact John Spiegelman (215-740-4306, Thanks for your generosity!
Highland Book Fair at Barnes & Noble
The Highland Book Fair at Barnes & Noble (102 Park Avenue, Willow Grove, PA 19090) is just around the corner: Friday, November 21, 4:30–7:30PM. It’s a perfect time to get an early start on gifts. 20% of sales will support new books for our library! You will have a jam-packed night of fun and activities, including many of Highland’s very own talents! Guest appearances will include Elsa from Frozen! Hope to see you there!
Highland Blood Drive
This year’s Highland Red Cross Blood Drive is happening on Wednesday, December 10 (the middle day of conferences), 2:00–7:00PM in the gym. To make your donation appointment, visit or contact John Spiegelman (215-740-4306, For tons of Red Cross donor information, see the info packet at If you have eligibility questions, please call 866-236-3276 (press 1 and then 3).
New PTO Website
Thanks to new PTO webmaster Troy Finamore, the Highland PTO website at has finally been redesigned and updated! Updates and postings are still happening and will be ongoing throughout the year, so please check it out now—to appreciate Troy’s awesome work!—and then keep visiting regularly for all the latest PTO news and forms.
The Husky S.T.A.R.S. winners for October are Pittman/Tressa (K), DeGennaro (1), Rush (2), Eberly (3), Przasnyski (4), Crouthamel (5), and Heuer (6). Congratulations to all the winners!
The Secret Shop Is Coming
The Secret Shop is coming! The PTO’s annual Holiday Secret Shop will be held Tuesday–Thursday, December 9–11 during parent/guardian conferences. Additional information will be coming home soon.
Here’s What’s Happening
- Now through Friday, November 21: Care & Share Thanksgiving Food Drive collection
- Monday–Friday, November 17–21: American Education Week
- Friday, November 21: Highland Barnes & Noble Book Fair: 4:30-7:30PM at Barnes & Noble (102 Park Avenue, Willow Grove, PA 19090)
- Tuesday, November 25: Care & Share Thanksgiving Food Drive packing day
- Tuesday, November 25: Board of School Directors Meeting: 7:30PM in the Central Administration Building
- Thursday–Friday, November 27–28: School Closed for Thanksgiving holiday
- Friday, December 5: School Spirit Day
- Tuesday–Thursday, December 9–11: Early Dismissal @ 12:20PM:
- Parent/guardian conferences by appointment in the classrooms
- Secret Shop: 12:30–3:30PM on the gym stage
- Sixth grade bake sale: 12:30–3:30PM outside the library
- Lost-and-found table in front of the library—all items not claimed will be donated
- Tuesday, December 9: Board of School Directors Meeting: 7:30PM in the Central Administration Building