Welcome: Crissy Field and Brittany Sullivan welcomed attendees to the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Principal’s Remarks: Dr. Etlen thanked the PTO for the help in giving KathyLu a proper send-off. Miss Allen has taken over KL’s role, please have flexibility in the transition, and be sure to copy her on every email to Dr. Etlen. Highland is running a shoe drive for MLK Jr Day of Service, and will also have a group at the Sr. High event. One book One school had it’s kickoff on Friday, all are excited.
Review of Recent Events:
Class Parties: Winter parties went well, the sign-up process clarification helped.
Care and Share: No issues to report.
Adopt-A-Family: 86 kids in the Highland Family were served this year, wonderful donations were received from within our Highland Community and we had no problems meeting all needs. As KL was working with the PTO chairs this year, we will have to ask Miss Allen to learn the process next winter.
Winter Craft Days: Natalie Black ran a successful 2 days, netting a $175 surplus after supplies were covered, plus there are supplies remaining for next year. As it was a new program, there were some misunderstandings with some parents about what was offered/timing. There was difficulty attracting enough volunteers for 2 days, having this for all 3 days of conferences is an unlikely prospect.
Barnes and Noble Night: PTO made about $5,500, which is significantly less than previous year, however the library received the same proceeds as usual, as well as books donated at the event. There was discussion to move the event back to a Friday night again, despite the likelihood of not being able to get a Panera fundraiser to coincide on a Friday night.
Other Business:
Open PTO positions for the 2020-2021 School Year:Co-President, Treasurer, Special Persons Dance committee, Box Tops Chair, Family Fun Night Chairs. Treasurer position is urgently needed to be filled, although Jen intends to at least finish this year. The PTO would like current chairs to make an attempt to fill their own positions behind them. The Special Persons Dance will lose the whole committee and therefore the event may have to be discontinued.
Kindergarten Teachers Request: The teachers have requested new chair pockets, about 75 are needed. They last 4-5 years and are an untenable personal expense for the teachers. Dr Etlen is going to look into an AAF grant, but the PTO would definitely consider funding at least half the purchase.
Family Fun Night: This Friday, a karaoke dance party thanks to DJ Greg. 6th grade is organizing food and the Book Fair will coincide.
Book Fair- Georelle has already begun, kids are brought through during library classes. New e-wallets this year for parents to pay electronically in advance.
Parent Council Meeting: Highland has its turn to host on Jan. 29, likely in the library, at 7:30 pm. The topic this session is Vaping, and PTO should advertise the event on FB, and provides drinks and cookies.
Restaurant Nights: No word yet on funds raised at Panera event. Elevation Burger event on Jan. 23rd.
Science Fair: This year it is on a Thursday instead of Friday, in order for kids to be able to view the displays the following day. Will have to move the displays to the hallway from the gym, and have kids take them home Friday afternoon. Next year may move to Monday, in order to have gym availability on Tuesday.
Souper Bowl: PTO will check with Jen Evangelist about running again, wqas a successful food pantry event last year.
Spring Fling: Brittany and Jaclyn have been reaching out to businesses for prize basket donations, already have some good things lined up. We need to make more money this year, the weather was a problem last year. All are encouraged to reach out to any contacts you have who might make a prize donation. This years event is April 25. Dr. Etlen suggested the apparel chair have a good selection in stock for this and some other events, there was discussion of a larger order and where to store items for regular sales, to new familes, etc.
School Play: Rehearsals are going well, Beth Bilus is doing amazing work with the kids. Erica requested official piano access be confirmed, and Beth needs access to the lightboard for the stage. Shows are March 13 and 14th in the gym.
Zumba: Planning for Spring session, need to get dates figured out with availability of the gym.
Irun4Life: Suzanne unable to run this year, she is seeking another parent to take chair role.
**Please join us for our next meeting on February 10 at 6:30pm in the library.