Highland PTO Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2016 9:00am
Adopt a Family – we served 95 kids, the largest number to date. A huge thank you to everyone that donated. It was suggested to inquire about space at the school for storing gifts as it currently takes up Erica’s garage during December.
Share and Care – we provided meals for 34 families, including Thanksgiving dinner with a turkey and breakfast and lunch. Mr. Etlen commented on the great effort that this is for our Highland families, we have a wonderful community at Highland who are always willing to pitch in for each other.
Science fair – there were 43 presenters, and over 100 visitors. The event was featured on channel 6 and 17 news. A robocall might have increased attendance/participation.
Principal remarks – science fair was a great event, turnout seemed to be not as high. Events aren’t getting exposure and we might be missing getting the word out to people now that Husky Happenings isn’t every week. Moving forward, Gwen will scan Husky Happenings and send to Mr. Etlen to be distributed through Skyward. Chairpeople also need to send an email to Mr. Etlen and copy Kathy Lu in order to get a robocall for all events. This can be done ahead of time and scheduled for the day before/day of events. The board will also create a boilerplate of communication options so that chairpeople know how to advertise events within the school. Need to distribute a calendar with rough deadline for Husky Happening submissions for remainder of year so that events make it in each month.
Restaurant fundraisers – Boston Market was not too successful, nothing else planned at this time. Nicole tried to set something up with Corner Bakery, but they cannot hold fundraisers until they are out of debt and making a profit. Considering Yofresh for end of Feb. Mr. Etlen suggested more locations where families can eat and hang out together, instead of just picking up food to take home. Maybe set up a uswirl/Jules night for first day back to school. Uswirl will give 30% of profits if the total brought in is $500 or more, so it’s important to spread the word when we have a fundraiser there. It was also mentioned that some Glenside stores, in Cheltemham though, will do shopping night fundraisers/community events. (Dovetail Artisans?) Also worth checking with Humpty Dumplings.
Zumba – 21 kids registered for the first session; hope to do another session in April/May; make sure to add a line on the sign up about the possibility for registration to be covered by PTO if needed.
Other after school clubs/classes – would be great to have a coding club. Mr. Kaufmann and Mr. Przasnyski recently did an “hour of coding” activity. Possibly work with Mary Rodgers at the Junior/senior high to see if students from the AV class would be interested in helping. Will check with Troy Finamore. Would need to have a deadline for signups, and then possibly do a lottery if there is a lot of interest. Will also reach out to all parents to see if there’s anyone who has other skills that they could teach to kids in an after school program. Parents would need volunteer clearances, and PTO would assist with securing permits. Erica will look into starting a chess club, especially since the senior high team is national champions.
Science Day – Wed 3/9. There are a good number of volunteer presenters already. Has been posted on facebook; will go in Husky Happenings; will have some HS volunteers; hope to have 3 volunteer presenters per grade; one for each class, if only 2 the other class will watch a short video; need to prepare a presentation and a small activity/experiment. Please contact Van if you’re able to help. (Volunteer presenters will not need clearances) vhellerslia@gmail.com
Apparel – There will be a flyer in February Husky Happenings for the spring apparel sale. Orders will be due by end of February and will be delivered by teachers by end of March. There will be short sleeve maroon, white and tie-dye shirts and long sleeve maroon shirts, both kid and adult sizes. Mr. Etlen requested long sleeve polo shirt for business casual days. The flyer should be distributed to all staff and teachers.
Super family fun night and book fair – Fri 1/29, dinner starting at 5:30 (see flyer in Jan newsletter), book fair starts at 6:00 and movie starts at 7:00. Inside Out will be shown, free of charge, with drinks and dessert available through the 6th grade bake sale, plus possibly popcorn, free of charge. There will be 3 prize baskets at the book fair; k-2, 3-4, 5-6 and each student will get a ticket when they arrive to put in the appropriate basket. Utilize sign out front to advertise. There will be PTO members posted at the door to make sure only current HIghland students and their family are attending. Mrs. Pittman’s class won the box top prize and each student from that class will have a $5 voucher for the book fair.
Special person dance – 2/19, flyer coming
Parent council – Angel Belka was present; next Parent Council meeting is 2/3 at McKinley; Highland PTO board should attend the 6:30 meeting and bring a signed copy of the bylaws, which should follow SAP guidelines. Audit materials will go out soon and are due in April; should be just a snapshot, not an end of year report. The 7:30 meeting is open to all and will focus on the Abington Education Fund (the group that provided chrome books to all schools). Summer showcase will be April 6 at the senior high; encourage local groups to participate.
Next PTO meeting is February 22, 2016 7:00pm