Highland PTO Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2015 7:00pm
Mr. Etlen’s update – American Education week this week, activities in each classroom, all are welcome to come out; Picture retake is Fri 11/20; Thank you to those organizing Barnes & Noble night, Mr. Etlen will be there; AEF is hosting Monte Carlo NIght at the North Hills Country Club on Sat, tickets are $75 and can be bought through Ms. Krebs at the administration building; Dec 11th there will be a dance for 4-6th grades – this will raise money for the school wide positive behavior program and will help to offset costs for things like new banners
Treasurer report (Vicki) – Panera made $119 from 47 guests; we made almost $400 from online apparel sale; still waiting for new forms from the business office; the PTO has a new bank account because of bank change, everything changed
Adopt a family – only 9 lists so far, and those are all assigned already; forms will go out soon, once we get more family lists; you will have the option to buy one present, give a monetary donation, choose one child, or choose a whole family; gifts requested are reasonable (like clothing, small items)
Care & Share – collecting items through Friday, especially need potatoes and gravy and desserts and muffin mixes. You can also send in your free turkey coupon from Giant.
Special person’s dance – Friday 2/19, for all grades; students can bring a special person (18 or older), no younger siblings please. Will sell package tickets (ie. $10 for a special person & student); still looking for a photographer who can take pictures and then print out after; a local orthodontist has a photo booth to use that night for free; plan to use high school students for service learning hours; need maximum occupancy for gym; will have food like pretzels, possibly have people bring food/dessert donations; need to find out if possible to have snow date; permit still needs to be completed – talk to Mr. Etlen before submitting to make sure all details are included (tables, chairs)
Barnes & Noble night – Fri 11/20 4:30-7:30; Everyone looking forward to it; please send confirmation to volunteers; can people still sign up for food and cupcakes? (chicken fingers & pizza)
Restaurant fundraising – Boston Market on 12/7, PTO will get 10% if Highland is mentioned
Star card assembly – 12/21 Minute to Win it for children that don’t have 3 strikes on Star card; teachers need 5-8 volunteers, no experience or training needed, just helping kids play games; 1st session is 1:30-2 and next is 2:15-2:45; contact Nicole Mumma at 215-805-4395
Picture retake day – Fri 11/20, must return picture package to retake pictures, at no cost; if child was absent, you must complete an order envelope and include payment – teachers should have given them out, if not there are extras in the office; teachers will know what times to send/take children for pictures
6th grade poinsettia sale – flyers will go out soon, or see FB page
Parent Council meeting – 12/2 at Highland, we are hosting; will cover volunteer clearances; will provide food and babysitters
Recess – 6th graders are concerned that all balls, etc. are put away when 5th grade goes in from recess, which is 5-10 minutes before 6th grade due to staggered lunch room times; the rule is that once the younger grade is whistled to line up to go in, everything is put away and all games on the fields are stopped; the game King has been banned by Mr. Etlen, and football was paused; King is basically one child throwing a football into a group of waiting children, which was leading to children getting hurt and a lot of conflict, the game is not suitable for recess; Mr. Etlen was on the fields and reffing football games to see the dynamic; football was put on pause because it was getting too competitive and rough; they are allowed to play again, but it is two hand touch, if there is any pushing, shoving or tackling, the game is stopped; There are tables near the art room for quieter activities like chalk, reading, drawing, legos, jump ropes, frisbees
Cafeteria – a parent was concerned with the way that kindergarten students were being treated by aides, cafeteria employees back in Sept; the response to children about issues was too short ; there are caring adults working and volunteering in the cafeteria and children should always be treated with respect; Mr. Etlen is often in the cafeteria and outside at recess observing, if he sees a child bring treated without respect he will say something
Next PTO meeting is January 11, 2016 at 9:00am in cafeteria