Assignment books – Mickey Whiting taking over next year
Directory – maybe move to an electronic file emailed out to everyone; as is maybe 50% respond and get listed; possibly have a check box on Skyward signup where you can opt in for the directory; update forms so that we have one simplified form for PTO membership signup, directory, volunteer opportunities; consider having a password protected part of the PTO site for the directory; need to consider privacy issues
Husky Happenings for next year – have a schedule for the year (monthly) so that everyone knows when to have submissions in; flyers can still go out through teachers more frequently; will have a calendar page in addition to newsletter
Picnic will be 9/18 – will have Lee’s hoagie fundraiser; Erica will send out welcome letter to families at beginning of year; possibly have PTO give out drinks, have ice cream truck; committee chairs should be recruiting at picnic; classroom parents (if established) can do same; have a big table with new apparel
Spring Fling – Jaime & Val will take over
Special person’s breakfast needs a co-chair with Laura
Classroom parents co-chairs – Lori & Laura
Need co-president with Erica
Need scholastic book fair co-chair
Laura will start a HIghland Alumni Facebook page – can use for fundraising, spreading info, possible career day
Donor’s Choose site – would be great to have teacher’s post projects needing support (like Garden Club), donors can go on and give money for specific projects
Good Search – google search engine that could give school money each time someone searches; set it as home page instead of regular google; could be an issue if a lot of ads; at school landing page is school district page; but easy to do at home
Final assemblies are 5/21-22; will try to get info home to parents ahead of time so they can talk to students
Phillies game 6/7 – PTO makes money for every ticket; possibly Hershey Park tickets next year
Multicultural pot luck had an amazing turnout; Ms. Lee-Kim reached out to specific families that might not attend many events to get them involved; maybe have more information displays next year; entertainment was great for the kids; in past there was a passport for stations, but it was little bites, not a full dinner; Maryanna Henkle will help Ms. Lee-Kim and Ms. Park next year
Teacher appreciation luncheon – teachers appreciated the home cooked food, Lesley Jaimeson taking over next year
Volunteer breakfast was amazing, the teachers outdid themselves
Special person’s night next year – Jen Deters is chairperson; district has moved away from Sweetheart dances; chair needs to work closely with Mr. Etlen to make this happen; possibly combine with Family Fun night
During summer, having a fundraising day at Whole Foods, late August; school will get 5% of all purchases that day; will need some celebrity baggers throughout out the day; possibly have Paws visit
Restaurant fundraisers – Chickie & Pete’s in Warrington 5/27; Moe’s on the Fairway 6/15, possibly combine with YoFresh
Would like to have a frozen yogurt fundraiser/gathering on one of the first days back to school in the fall
Back to school Open House is 9/16
A huge thank you to everyone that contributed their time and energy to make this a great year!
Tina Stancavage & John Spiegelman will be greatly missed next year – thank you to those volunteers that have been super active and are irreplaceable!
PTO site – need items/current events for the home page